Wednesday, March 13, 2019

First Book on Q# From Quantica Computacao

First Book on Q# From Quantica Computacao

My Book titled:  "Learn Q# Programming"  is available for early access.

Code Repository:

#quantumcomputing #quantumtheory #qsharp #programminglanguages

Feedback so far:
I'm an enthusiastic learner of quantum computing and information theory and technology. I saw the news posted on the quantwiki about the Q# book. May I have early access to the book? Thank you!
I am interested in early access to "Learn Q# Programming".

I would like to read it: if it is nice I will buy for my Campus Library.

Thanks and best regards from Italy.

Can I get early access to "Learn Q# Programming”?
I am  ~~~  from Turkey. I am working on mathematical physics as a graduate student and I am interested in quantum computing and Q#.
I have seen your advertisement on "quantiki". Can you please provide me with the early access of "Learn Q# Programming"?

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